Sometimes papers are hard to read, because of their compact style. Explainable parts or discussions hardly find their way into the paper. I therefore decided to provide this ExpLiD-paper with some visual-based explanations, limitations and discussions to our paper.
In our paper, we cast the problem of user authentication based on their computer mouse trajectories as a unsupervised one-class problem incorporating additional data (outlier exposure) during the trainings process. The overall process can be separated into three parts: (i) Preprocessing, (ii) Training and testing of the model, (iii) Analysing characteristic features. We decided to investigate the mouse trajectory data as images, putting a focus on the shape rather then the direction of moving. We investigate different splitting methods, as well as different levels of information about the trajectory (views) such as pauses, clicks, and speed. To investigate the decision of the network and to visualise idiosyncratic parts of the mouse movement, we apply the layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP).
Have you ever thought about the movement of the mouse when you use a computer? While most of us uses the computer on a nearly daily bases, we rarely actively recognize the movement of the mouse cursor. We can think about them being similar to gestures in a inter human communication, where we also use pointing actions which are quite generally understood but execute on a really individual way. The same thing applies to the mouse cursor movement: they encompass general elements, like moving to certain objects, but its execution remains idiosyncratic.
Telling users apart can have two main objectives: User identification and user authentication. Detecting the right user in a set of all users is the task of user identification, which is usual done in a supervised multi-class classification setup. At this, all users are known a priori and part of the trainings data-set. In other words, when we get some yet unknown user sequence \(x\), we want to determined if it belongs to \(user 1, user 2, \dots, user \; n \).
In contrast, user authentication underlies a binary decision. We want to distinguish between the target user and all the remaining users. Note, that also here the common approach is likewise supervised, i.e. using data of both classes (in- and out-of-distribution data). The typical optimisation strategy uses a binary-cross entropy loss to increase the distance between the two entities (see Fig. 1c). When another dataset is incorporate in the latter strategy it is sometimes declared as unsupervised OE.
The idea of outlier exposure (OE) approach originates in the observation that, when learning a target concept, myriads of labelled examples exist that live in the same space but are known to not match the target concept (Hendrycks et al., 2019). While this insight borders on triviality, it is particularly powerful in unsupervised learning tasks like one-class and density estimation problems. Instead of only feeding observations of the desired target concept, additional data from possibly very different origins and sources is made available to the model that now faces contrastive tasks: Ultimately, the goal is to provide a minimal description of the desired target concept but additionally, there is a classification problem that needs to be solved simultaneously using only the auxiliary data.
When learning the features with a neural network for user authentication, we would like to design the features with two important characteristics.
Optimizing only wrt. minimizing the radius \(r\)of the hypersphere will directly result in the hypersphere collapse (Chong et al., 2020) where all data is mapped to the same point. Usually, further constraints (e.g. a slack variable) are included. We observed that training the network simultaneously with both objectives (descriptiveness and compactness) can counterbalance such a hypersphere collapse.
Fig. 2: OE-based approach (Perera et al. (2019))
(i) min. squared intra batch dist.
(ii) max. inter squared dist. between classes (DOE).
When I started reading into the topic of anomaly detection, I stumbled upon quite some ambiguous terminologies. As in many areas, also in AD there is no overall consents how to name different setups. Despite some outliers, the most paper seem to agree with the following namings:
Not every mouse tracking provides equally spaced time steps, since some record mouse dynamics just on moving the cursor. If this is the case, the time gaps (pauses) between the single movements can provide valuable information. For example, a pause before a click can give insights into the cognition capacity and the processing time of the user, since such a pattern of hesitation (sClickTale) occur more often during a task with a higher level of difficulty (Ferreira et al., 2010). In data which is recorded in regular time steps, this information is represented by a repetition of the same coordinate. Therefore pauses can be highly diagnostic since they reflect the cognitive capacity of the user during the interaction with the computational device Analysing data with non-equal time steps using sequential methods may lead to neglecting the information of pauses.
Most mouse data records are disjoint from any information about the user and the underlying user interface (UI) (Balabit, TWOS). However, mouse movements are highly influenced by the underlying UI. They consist likewise of movements for interacting with the application as well as idiosyncratic movements, which are most valuable to retrieve information about the user. Since the UI is often not known a priori, we need to identify users regardless of the underlying interface. In our paper, we aim at devising a representation that is as independent as possible from actual UI's and rather aim at capturing how a user moves the pointer to a certain location instead of where exactly an action has been performed. While related work decided to do this via a first-order representations and derivatives \(dx/dt \) and \(dy/dt\) (Antal et al., 2020), we tried to shift the focus on the shape of the trajectory plotting them as images. In this way certain patterns (e.g. loops) can be detected.
We extract multiple information from the mouse trajectories: speed, clicks and pauses. For each view, we plot a separate image. Different views of the same sub-trajectory serve later as a multo-channel input to the network during training. For a better comparison, we decided to leave the number of channels unchanged. When testing with one view, the channels are used for a representation in rgb. For two views, we double one of them, to still fill the requirement of the input shape for the network.
For the trajectory view, subsequences of the trajectory are re-scaled, plotted and save as images. We adapt the size of the plot to the range of the respective trajectory to assure no bias from the positioning on the screen. To maintain the temporal information, we encode the speed of the movement with a colour interval, where the colour is determined by the actual speed of movement \(s_t\) at that position. To encode the speed value, we test two different normalisation approaches. Both ground on the speed \(s_t = \frac{d_{t}}{\tau_t}\) of the movement , where \(d = \sqrt{(x_{t}-x_{t-1})^2 +(y_{t}-y_{t-1})^2}\) is the covered distance, but are normalized (i) by the average speed: \begin{equation*} s_t^{(avg)} = \frac{s_t}{\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\frac{d_t}{\tau_t}} \end{equation*} and (ii) with a log-variant with \(\tilde s_t= \log (1+s_t)\) \begin{equation*} s^{(log)}_t = \frac{\tilde s_t - \tilde s_{\max}}{\tilde s_{\max} - \tilde s_{\min}}, \end{equation*} respectively, where \(\tilde s_{max}=\max_t \log (1+s_t)\) and \(\tilde s_{min}\) analogously.
A click view is simply containing indicators at click positions which are visualized by black crosses in the image.
The pause view contains the length of the pauses at the observed positions and is visualized by circles with radii corresponding to the length of the pause. We scale every pause \(p\) so that the radius of the smallest pauses starts at a radius of 50px. The upper limit in size was set to a radius of 200px for the longest pauses. Mouse actions were recorded with 60fps resulting in a minimum distance of 16 milliseconds between data points. Therefore we set the threshold for pauses to 0.02 seconds. We discard these data points during scrolls, since they cause the coordinates to be zero.
The underlying UI has a significant influence on mouse movement and can be of huge variety. Likewise, one does often not have information on the pointing device or the operating system at hand. Both are proven to be influential on the cursor movement and the way how data is recorded (Gross et al., 2015). In this work, we propose an approach which tries to be unaffected by such influences by normalising and standardising the sub-trajectories. We did not include additional data augmentation to generate more data (e.g through mirroring or rotation), since mouse trajectories are not necessarily translation invariant. While some movements, like patterns of confidence (e.g. straight and direct movements), can still be detected in mirrored or rotated images, other mouse movement motifs might not be orientation invariant or might lose their idiosyncratic characteristic.
A whole sessions of mouse data encompasses a long time in the Balabit dataset
(from 1 hour, 43 minutes and 37 seconds (user 29) to 2 hours, 4 minutes and 35 seconds (user 7)).
Therefore we split the session into smaller sub trajectories.
Since in the Balabit and the
TWOS dataset mouse data is just recorded when the cursor moves,
the a splitting after a fixed amount of time and after a fixed amount of data points do not result in the same splitting.
We investigate three different splitting methods and show examples of the first 5 images of each user
not cherry picked)
Time Difference Split (TD) (Chong et al., 2020) splits a sequence when the time difference between two consecutive mouse operations (movement or click) exceeds a predefined threshold \(\rho \in \{1s, 60s\}\). Since this may result in very short sub-trajectories, we only split if the resulting sub-sequences contain at least 100 data points.
Equal Length Split (EL) (Matthiesen et al., 2020) splits the data into sub-sequences of the same length of data points, \(\omega \in \{200, 1000\}\), irrespective of occurring events or movements. The last sequence is naturally shorter and usually discarded. In contrast to the TD method, the resulting sequences have the same length. Note that the identical number of data points does not result in the same amount of coloured pixels in the generated image.
Equal Time Splitting (ET) is a temporal analogy to the previous splitting criterion and splits the trajectory after a fixed amount of time. We experiment with the thresholds \(\upsilon \in \{10s, 120s\}\). Since the used mouse data is not recorded using equal time stamps but rather recorded on movements, this splitting method will not result in equally sized sub-sequences. Although this extension is straightforward, there does not seem to exist related work on this method.
We utilise the layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) (Bach et al., 2015) to investigate which parts of the input lead to creating compact and descriptive features for each user. In addition, we implement the \(z^+\)-rule and a relevance filter as suggested in (Fabi., 2021). We adapt the threshold value for the filter to \(k= 0.05\). The results of the first four images of user 7, 20, 12, 15 of the test set (not the same as shown above) using the EL1000 split are shown in Figure 8. We chose to investigate user 12 and 15 as the worse and best performing ones. User 7 and 20 were picked since those gave better results with hand-crafted features (again, the best and worse performing of those users), which we considered interesting. In contrast to the paper, we did not recolor the trajectories. Each view is represented in one color.
The LRP visualisations show that pauses seem to be relevant. Clicks in general do not seem to be of high relevance for most of the users, unless they overlap with pauses. However, for user 20 clicks clicks seem to be more important. In the work of Chong et al. (2020) only the trajectory information was plotted and used as input for a CNN. Using a pre-trained CNN, they show that the edges are the relevant element for the decision process of the network. Incorporating multiple layers of information such as pauses and clicks, revealed that pauses seem to carry an idiosyncratic factor of the computer mouse interaction.
Our observations are based on the created images. We did not investigate different ways of plotting pauses. Therefore we can not exclude a potential impact of the plotting method.
To reach our results, we used 1000 data points. In Balabit this translates to 5.5 minutes in an average of mouse dynamics data. However, using 200 data points, which translates to approximately 1 minute, we reach likewise a good performance. Both are still quite long and we are not there yet! While related approaches manage to authenticate users in less time, they often follow a fully supervised approach and solving therewith the wrong problem. Others might rely on hand-crafted features, which do not work for the users from Balabit as shown by (Matthiesen et al., 2020) or using a controlled environment.
We scaled the sub trajectories to fill the generated image, so that we would exclude any bias of the used area on the screen (we do not want to identify the user based on their screen). However, even smaller parts of the trajectory are enlarged by this. As later results (Neagelin et al. 2023) showed, the length of the movements can change under certain conditions (e.g. perceived stress). Normalising the size might therefore reduce too much information.
Cited as:
Matthiesen, J.J., Hastedt, H., Brefeld, U. (2023). User Authentication via Multifaceted Mouse Movements and Outlier Exposure. In: Crémilleux, B., Hess, S., Nijssen, S. (eds) Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XXI. IDA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13876. Springer
title = "User Authentication via Multifaceted Mouse Movements and Outlier Exposure",
author = "Matthiesen, Jennifer J. and Hastedt, Hanne and Brefeld, Ulf",
editor = "Cr{\'e}milleux, Bruno and Hess, Sibylle and Nijssen, Siegfried",
booktitle = "Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XXI",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland",
address = "Cham",
pages = "300-313",
isbn = "978-3-031-30047-9",
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