Yannick Rudolph
Yannick Rudolph

Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Institute of Information Systems

Machine Learning Group
Universitätsallee 1, C4.308b
21335 Lüneburg


About Me

I am a PhD student at the machine learning group of Prof. Dr. Ulf Brefeld at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. From April 2019 till March 2023 I was employed at SAP SE, Berlin. Since April 2023 I am a research assistant at the Leuphana. Prior to my PhD studies I received a Master of Science in Management & Data Science from Leuphana University of Lüneburg and a Bachelor of Science in Economics from University of Hagen. I also hold a Diploma in Fine Art from Braunschweig University of Art and have a professional background in publishing.

Research Interest

Within my PhD studies I focus on machine learning problems and solutions for multiagent trajectories. This involves research on generative models such as (conditional) variational autoencoders, graph neural networks for learning interactions, transformer based architectures and self-supervised pretraining.


  • Exercise: Machine Learning and Data Mining (W23/24)
  • Exercise: Statistics for Computer Scientists (W23/24)
  • Exercise: Forcasting and Simulation (S23)
  • Exercise: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (S23)
  • Exercise: DATAx, Data analysis with Python (W22/23)
